Bhishma Ekadasi

Dear Bhagavadh Bandhus, Bhishma Ekadasi is observed in the Ma:gha ma:sam which occurs during the January and February. Fasting on Ekadasi is considered highly auspicious and is believed to help in redemption of sins and in attaining Moksha. The story behind Bhishma Ekadasi: Shantanava is the king of Bharat Kandh. Bhishma is the son of [...]

Satvik Food

[title] Satvik Food[/title]

Food plays a vital role in the existence and regeneration of mankind. The sloka recited by Lord Sri Krishna In Bhagavad Gita

yuthahara viharasya yuktha chestasya karmasu
yuktha swapna vabhodasya yogo bhavathi dukhaha

Good food in turn brings good consequences internally and externally through our behaviour and attitude.