Donate to Inspiration Centres (Temples & Asramams)

Inspiration Centres Donation


Celebrating 1000th birth anniversary of Ramanuja Charya Swami, a great spiritual icon born in 1017 and lived for 120 years

  • Worlds largest sitting statue at 216 feet in a park spread across 50 acres of land
  • Statue symbolizes equality that ramanuja propounded
  • Includes 108 Divya Desams(Temples)

“Nature is inherently non-discriminatory and Equality is cornerstone of life”

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On Behalf Of Organization
Statue Of Equality - Donation Item
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate. Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity (JETUK) from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.
Charity Gift Aid Declaration
By selecting "Yes", the donor hereby declare that he/she is a tax payer residing ordinally in the UK and would like Gift-Aid to be applied to this donation.
Can we claim Gift Aid for your earlier donation till last 4 years? If selected option is "Yes", then we will claim Gift-Aid for your donations for the last 4 years of your donations. We won't claim if "No" is selected.