23Apr2016, Sat – Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam East London

Jai Srimannarayana Dear Bhagavath Bandus,

Team JETUK wishes you a Happy Durmukhi Nama Samvatsaram. We are here to invite you for one auspicious event of Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam at the following venue on the following date. Please join us.

Date: 23 April 2016, Saturday
Time: 11am onwards
Area: East London
Venue: Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha, 28 Carlyle road, Manor Park, London, E12 6BN

Highlights of the event:

  • Starts with lighting the lamp
  • Sankshepa Ramayanam chanting
  • Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam
  • Delicious Prasadam (Food)
  • Wonderful cultural activities(Traditional Dances and Singing)

Note: Please advise us of any special mobility or dietary requirements you may have.

Please register for kalyanam by clicking here.

Also if you would like to sponsor anything for the event click here.

