23 Jun - Take away message from the day's discourse of HH
- Do any work with willingness and interest
- Importance of taking panchasamskaram is to lead a happy life with 5 samskaras that were given on this day.
- Engage yourselves in service related activities and understand the purpose of the life.

23 Jun 2023
Highlights of the day
This day of Swamyvaru’s 2023 visit to the UK was the seminal moment in many people’s life, as it was when Swamywaru performed Panchasamskaram for devotees, which marked their entry into the Sri Vaishnava fold.
Swamyvaru started the event by providing a beautiful discourse about Panchasamskaram, why it is performed and the rules for people who get initiated as Sri Vaishnavas. The discussions between Yamakinkaras and Yama itself about how Yama’s jurisdiction is limited to just non-Vaishnavas, as mentioned in the Bagawath Purana was also lucidly explained by Swamyvaru.
In true Ramanujacharya fashion, where ‘Asaiudayorkellam’ or “willingness and interest” is the only requirement and key to getting initiated as a Sri Vaishnava, Swamyvaru gave the devotees an opportunity to digest the rules and regulations for being a Sri Vaishnava before asking only those interested to come forward to get initiated. All the interested devotees then got initiated, which happened to everyone that came for the event. Many shed tears of joy and were overwhelmed with emotion, some shed tears in relief too as they understood that they had taken their most important step towards liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
Swamywaru then performed mantra-upadesam where the initiated devotees are taught the secret Sri Vaishnava mantras, which allows them to chant these mantras. Finally, Swamyvaru instructed the initiated devotees to be a part of the JET mission and to engage in service related activities and to be true to the JET motto of ”Serve All Beings As Service To God. Respect all, Worship your own”.