28 Jun - Take away message from the day's discourse of HH
- Importance and greatness of Rama Paduka puja
- Swamywaru revealed the most confidential purpose of how Shree Rama wanted Shree Lakshmana to cleanse the Ayodhya kingdom and to rule it for a brief period before Shree Rama himself returned to rule Ayodhya.
- Sriman Mahamahopadhyaya Sri Samudrala Venkata Ranga Ramanujacharya Swami varu gave a crisp message to all the devotees to follow the qualities of Lord Rama and see the happiness in the life to oneselves and to the community.
- Be good, thinking good will always results good actions to the community.
- Participate in community service events gives you abundant pleasure. Try and see!
28 Jun 2023, Wednesday, Evening
Highlights of the day
28 June 2023, was a very special day as it was when JETUK had organised the Sri Rama Paduka Pattabhishekam event. It was the very first time that JETUK conducted the event. In the evening, Swamyvaru arrived at Sutton much to the joy of the devotees and to the rapturous chants of Jai SrimanNarayana.
The importance of Yogya Purushoshttam, Sree Rama and the hidden purpose of why Sree Rama was exiled to the forest is celebrated through the Rama Paduka Pattabishekam puja. Along with that, the greatness of Shree Baratha and Shree Lakshmana are also fondly recollected during the puja. Swamywaru gave an enchanting discourse on Shree Rama Paduka’s importance and how the paduka is a manifestation of none other than Adishesha, the eternal and primary servient of the Lord SrimanNarayana. In the discourse, Swamywaru also revealed the most confidential purpose of how Shree Rama wanted Shree Lakshmana to cleanse the Ayodhya kingdom and to rule it for a brief period before Shree Rama himself returned to rule Ayodhya.
The puja was performed by an array of learned priests in the presence of Swamywaru and erudite scholars like Mahamahopadhyaya, Sri Samudrala Venkata Ranga Ramanujacharya Swami. The event started with sacred rituals like the lighting of lamps ceremony and the chanting of sacred vedic hymns. This was followed by puja being performed to the Rama Padukas. The padukas were then given to the Yajamans personally by Swamywaru for them to take sankalpam and perform the Paduka puja. The event concluded with devotees taking Theertha Prasadam. As if to reveal how pleased lord SrimanNarayana was, it started to drizzle just after the puja.
After the puja a succulent prasadam was served to all the devotees.