With deep regret we are CANCELLING the Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam @ Orpington
Jai Srimannarayana Dear Bhagavad Bandus,
Due to the risk of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) infections spreading in UK and considering the health and safety of all devotees JETUK has decided to CANCEL Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam @ Orpington for this year.
We understand these are difficult times for everyone and pray to Lord Srimannarayana to safeguard us all. We keep praying for all of your health and wealth on the occasion of Ugadi and Sri Rama Navami.
Keep reading the following lines from Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam to get rid of any kind of illness:
a:rtha: vishanna:s sithila:scha bhi:tha:ha gho:re:shu cha: vya:dhishu varthama:na:ha |
sanki:rthya na:ra:yana sabdama:thram vimuktha duhkha:ha sukhino: bhavanthi ||