Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam 2022 – Amersham

Jai Srimannarayana,

We are currently booked fully and so the registrations are closed. Sorry for any inconvenience.  Please contact us on or 07701027267 or 07718985275 if you need any information. Thank you.

Dear All Bhagavadh Bandhus, JETUK invites every one for the celestial wedding of Sita Rama Kalyanam. It’s a FREE event to attend with seva opportunities for the kalyanam.
We need your RSVP which helps us to prepare the prasadam and arrange logistics at the venue for Health and Safety measures.

Ubayadari (Sit in the Kalyanam either on mother Sita devi side or Lord Rama side) receives the Lord’s Parivaram coin, Photo frame and Sesha vastralu (Clothes offered to the god – Kanduva and Jacket piece) and souvenir.


The first day of Lunar Calendar is called Uga:di or Yuga:di. Ve:dic scriptures reveal that the creation was started on Yuga:di day. When Lord Na:ra:yana decided to start the creation from the Milk Ocean, a lotus flower emerged from his navel. When the lotus was opened, a four-headed Bramha was sitting in it. God gave him Ve:dic Knowledge and ordered him to start the creation with the help of Ve:das. Vedic Scriptures recommend 3 activities to be done on Yuga:di Day, 1) Abhyangana Sna:nam 2) Pancha:nga Sravanam 3) Nimba Kusuma Bhakshanam


According to the Lunar Calendar, Sri: Ra:ma Navami is celebrated on the 9th day of Chaithra month that comes during ‘Vasantha Ruthu’, the spring season. It was on this day that Lord Vishnu was born as Lord Ra:ma. The sage Va:lmi:ki revealed the whole story to us in the epic of Sri: Ra:ma:yana. The 9th day of Yuga:di was named as ‘Sri Ra:ma Navami’ in the memory of Lord Sri Ra:ma’s birth. Ra:ma went to the forest along with sage Viswa:mithra to guard the Yajna when he was twelve years old. To show his gratitude, sage Viswa:mithra took Ra:ma to Mithila and performed the marriage of all four brothers with the consent of their father. So, we celebrate the Si:tha Ra:ma Kalya:nam, the divine wedding function also on this Navami day.

  • If you have any questions please reach us on | 07701027267 | 07718985275
  • Thank you for your cooperation.