Showing 1-8 of 45 Books
Dwitiya Vachakamu (2nd Class)
By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)
Telugu prose and poetry lessons with grammar exercises for all age groups who want to learn Telugu
Mana Telugu – Sisuvu (UKG) – Abhyasamu
By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)
'Learn to Read & Write' Telugu exercise book. This book is handy for all age groups who want to learn Telugu.
Lessons Of Devotion From The Bhagavatam
By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)
Presents the stories of the devotees from the Bhagavatam and the lessons we can learn from them
Divine Dew Drops (Daily Messages)
By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)
Short divinely messages bestowed upon us by H.H. Sri: Chinna Jeeyar Swa;mi:ji in a pictorial calendar format
The Life and Mission of Sri Ramanuja
By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)
EQUALITY, as practiced and taught by Sri: Bhagavad Ra:ma:nuja:cha:rya. Complemented with pictures
Sri Vishwaksena Vratha Kalpamu
By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)
A short, handy Telugu book which explains how to perform Sri: Vishwakse:na Vratham
Sree Rama Pooja (Telugu)
By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)
A short, handy book on how to perform Sri: Ra:ma Pu:ja as prescribed by Sri: Vaishnava traditionĀ
Sree Rama Seva (Telugu)
By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)
Highlights the eight most significant sarga:s from the six ka:nda:s of Sri: Ra:ma:yanam