Prajna for kids


New batches starting from 8th Sep 2024.
  • Limited seats per batch. Please enroll asap.

Any questions please email to or call 07701027267 or 07968409349. Please click the below `Prajna Student Registration` button to register.”

Upcoming Events

Pride moment for our Prajna students for all the effort they are keeping in carrying forward our culture and heritage. The 3rd annual event of Prajna, Sama:varthanam, Graduation ceremony and more, is happening on 23rd June 2024 and 30th June 2024 at Chorleywood and Manchester respectively.

All the existing Prajna students will be attending with families and here is the invitation for the new parents who wants to join your child(ren) into the course. Good opportunity for the new parents to interact with the existing students and get to know more about the course.

Click here if you are willing to attend so that we can make all the required arrangements for you.

About Prajna in Parents voice
A video by our Prajna students
Wall of Heritage
What is Prajna

THE ABILITY TO TRANSLATE KNOWLEDGE INTO ACTION. Prajna is a series of personality development classes conducted for the benefit of children and adults under the guidance of His Holiness Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji. Students will be learning about our ancient heritage and thus develop to love the same.

Vedic knowledge and culture so preciously preserved for millions of years is being lost in this modern era. We have forgotten the significance and importance of our customs and traditions. What is the goal of the human life? What should one realize in this life? What should be one’s response in our daily chores? Due to the lack of answers to these questions there is confusion in the society, leading to unrest, lack of confidence and disrespect for the traditional way of living.

In spite of our rich, valuable and true vedic knowledge, we often tend to disown and distance from it due to ignorance and misinformation. Hence only a true A:cha:rya can dispel this darkness by lighting a lamp of right vedic knowledge in our hearts. Sri: Swa:mi:ji has taken up this task of educating and reforming us so that we will be able to lead our lives in a fruitful way.

Come, let us all join this movement. A person who gets benefited in this process, can lead others too in the proper direction thus empowering the entire society at large.

Benefits of the Course

Student will learn:

  • Rich Vedic culture and heritage
  • Prayers related to daily activities & different situations
  • Community Service – nurture sense of responsibility
  • Respect to elders & care for Mother Nature
  • Bhajans and Yo:ga for Good Health
  • Public speaking, leadership & management skills
Our Approach
  • Personal engagement with child focusing on pronunciation , collaboration & active participation
  • Research Oriented learning of our customs /practices
  • Audio/Video – helps Recitation & Concept demonstration
  • Project work – hands-on activities to reinforce concepts
  • Volunteering Service – enhances Gratitude & compassion
  • Periodic Assessments & feedback
Steps to register to the course

We appreciate you have taken a right decision in registering your child(ren) to our course. Click here for the steps to register.

How to login to my account?

You already have an account but forgot on how to login? Please click the below button “Login to Prajna website” and you will be navigated to our Centralised Prajna website.

Interested in becoming a Prajna Teacher

This is a one of the greatest decisions you have taken. On other note thinking that you don’t have any teaching experience? Not a problem. We do “Train the Trainers” program where in the teachers are trained by experience teachers. You will be given the material, support and the required training for handling the class. Please click the below button “Prajna Teacher Registration” to register your interest.

In terms of commitment, we expect a minimum of 3 hours per week as you will be playing a key role in moulding the children future with the divine knowledge.

Prajna Students performing Skit during Sri Goda Ranganatha Kalyanam