PRAJNA – Batch 2024-2025 – Registrations are open

Prajna Student RegistrationLogin to the Prajna Website Jai Srimannarayana, Team JETUK is happy to inform you that the 2024-2025 batch registrations for the Prajna course is now open. First time users: New parents please click the "Prajna Student Registration" button. Existing users: For the existing accounts to enrol into the next module please click the [...]

21st Aug, Prajna Batch 1 – Session 4 completed

Jai Srimannarayana All,

21st Aug, Friday, we have completed the 4th session of Prajna batch1.

What is done in the session?

  1. Recapped all the earlier learnt slokas
  2. Learnt 6 new slokas
    1. Slokas to be chanted before taking prasadam(any food)
    2. Slokas praising the glory of Krishna &