07 Nov, 2016, Poigai Azhwar and Pillai Lokacharya swami Tirunakshatram


Sri Poigai Azhwar

Place: Thiruvekha
Year: Siddarthi
Month: Aipasi
Star: Thiruvonam
Paksham: Sukla Paksham
Tithi: Ashtami day
Amsam (incarnation of): Panchjanyam (divine conch of the Supreme Lord)
Compilation: Mudal Thiruvandadi
Also known as: Saroyogi, Kaasaarayogi, Poigai Piraan, Padma Muni, Kavinyarporeyeru


(Invocatory verse of glorification to an Acharya which is usually composed by a disciple)

kAnchyAm sarasi hEmAbjE jAtham kAsAra yOgiNam
kalayE ya: sriya:pathi ravim dhIpam akalpayath

I meditate on Poigai AzhwAr who was born in the pond in thiruvekkA out of a golden lotus flower and who lit the divine lamp using the radiant sun to have the vision of sriman narayanan.

Azhwar’s history

Mudhal (first) azhwars consist of three azhwars all together.

Poigai Azhwar is amongst the mudal azhwars. He appeared in a lotus in the temple pond (poigai in tamil) of Thiruvekha near Kanchipuram. Hence he acquired the name Poigai Azhwar