
Showing 17-24 of 30 Books

Lessons From The Ramayana

By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)

Learn lessons from this concise version of Ra:ma:yana through its characters and contexts

Sri Hayagriva Sthothram (Telugu)

By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)

Sri Hayagriva Stho:thram - sa:nskrit slo:kas praising Lord Hayagri:va presented in Telugu script

Initial Information of 108 Divya Desams (Telugu)

By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)

A short, handy book in English gives the initial information of the 108 Divya De:sams

Srimad Bhagavad Geetha (Telugu)

By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)

Bhagavad Gita slokas in Telugu script. Includes a brief foreword from HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamyji.

Hidden Realities of Sri Ramayanam

By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)

A book introducing Ra:ma:yana through various questions and answers. Contains illustrations.

Nitya:nusandha:namu (Telugu)

By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)

A handy book containing many important Tamil pa:surams of Alva:rs presented in Telugu script

Alvarula Charithramu (Telugu)

By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)

An essential summary of the history and key compilations of each of the twelve A:lva:r saints

A Celestial Outpouring of Nammalvar (English)

By: Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET)

Namma:lva:r's a few Thiruva:imozhi pa:surams were explained with deep meaning in English